12 = finger 2 13 = trinket 1 14 = trinket 2 15 = back 16 = main hand 17 = off hand 18 = ranged 19 = tabard 20 = first bag (the rightmost one) 21 = second bag 22 = third bag 23 = fourth bag (the leftmost one) When bank frame is open Edit 40 to 67 = the 28 bank slots 68 = first bank bag slot 69 = second bank bag slot 70 = third bank bag slot Restoration Druids gear (PvE) - World of Warcraft Best PvE Restoration Druids gear Last Database Update : 08 May 2019 - Players with 1/2 or more bosses killed in Mythic mode - Items with less than 1% rating are not displayed What is the Item # for trinket slot 2? - UI & Macros ... I'm trying to make a make that includes my 2nd slot trinket, does anybody know what the item # for it is? PTR Live Classic. What is the Item # for trinket slot 2? ... Trinket - Character - WoW - World of Warcraft
Руководство по макросам — WoW JP | Статьи
Wow Trinket Slot Number Macro Macro trinket slots wow Wow casino banUseContainerItem(Tasche, Platz) – World …How to use armor and trinkets Casino Near Lummi Island SocialHere is a list of the item slot numbers for your character: Head = 1. Neck = 2. Shoulders = 3. Body = 4 (shirt)... On Use Trinket • WoW Lazy Macros | Forum Assuming its in the top trinket slotif its the bottom slot. /use [@player] 14. put this either into the sequence proper or in the KeyRelease section of the macro. [Информация] Полное руководство по макросам для WoW.
Creating a DPS Trinket macro – The BigBearButt
Trinket Wow Macro | Macro for Wow | Warcraft Macro To make a macro trinket, you will want to utilize the “/use” macro command. Your trinkets are in slot 13 and 14, so to use one the command is: Your trinkets are in slot 13 and 14, so to use one the command is: Activate item in slot macro? - World of Warcraft Forums I have two characters that do PVP and PVE with the same spec. That means different gear sets. I need a macro that will show the tool tip for whatever is equip in my trinket slot and will activate that trinket when pressed. Macro to use Trinket Slot 1? - Off Topic - Arena Junkies I'm looking to make a macro that will use which ever trinket I have equipped in the first slot (or second - it doesn't matter which) so that I can have each bound to the same hotkey when I switch between them. Suche Trinket-Makro - World of Warcraft-Foren - eu.battle.net
Trinket Slot Number Macro - UI & Macros - Wowhead Forums
Making a macro | WoWWiki | Fandom powered by Wikia With macros, these commands can be used from action buttons, and many of them can be used at once. Each unique command goes on its own line and is written exactly as it would be typed it in the chat box. Patch 2.1.0 | WoWWiki | Fandom powered by Wikia 'World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade: - Patch 2.1 The Black Temple Patch 3.2.0 - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of…
On Use Trinket • WoW Lazy Macros | Forum
you need to be using GSE 2.3.07 then the following will work. Assuming its in the top trinket slot, /use [@player] 13. if its the bottom slot /use [@player] 14. put this either into the sequence proper or in the KeyRelease section of the macro. Making a macro - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World ... /castsequence Berserking, Icy Veins /castsequence Trinket 1, Trinket 2 On the first button push this macro will cast Beserking and Trinket 1, on the second it will cast Icy Veins and Trinket 2. If you used the question mark icon, WoW will automatically update the icon to the current element of the sequence.
WoW Macros: WoW Inventory Slot Numbers