Slot 1 to socket 8

3/8" Drive Tools - Snap-on Snap-on is a trademark, registered in the United States and other countries, of Snap-on Incorporated. Other marks are marks of their respective holders. 2-1/8 Inch Socket |

мне мешает выпаять Socket8 и впаять туда на живую переходник Slot1 to Socket370. На данном этапе я нахожусь на детальном изучении документации по P pro и PII у них есть небольшые нюансы с питанием но это все мелочи... Socket 8 | Intel вики | FANDOM powered by Wikia Шаблон:Разъёмы процессоров Socket 8 — процессорный разъём, применявшийся исключительно для процессоров Pentium Pro и Pentium II OverDrive. По мере увеличения внутренних частот процессоров и наращивания объёма кэша 2-го уровня возникла проблема... What is Socket 8? Motherboards featuring the Socket 8 CPU socket were available for use with the Pentium Pro and Pentium II OverDrive processors developed and manufactured by Intel.Socket 8 was used up until the Pentium II processor was introduced, which used the Slot 1 socket.

What's a "Slocket" - Slot 1 to Socket 370 Adapter - YouTube

Интерфейс Slot 1 был представлен компанией Intel 7 мая 1997 года вместе с первыми процессорами Pentium II, для которых он предназначался.Также выпускались переходники Socket 8 -> Slot 1, позволявшие использовать процессоры Pentium Pro. Характеристики. Socket 8 — Википедия (с комментариями) Socket 8 — процессорный разъём, применявшийся исключительно для процессоров Pentium Pro и Pentium II OverDrive. По мере увеличения внутренних частот процессоров и наращивания объёма кэша 2-го уровня возникла проблема внедрения данного кеша в процессор. Slot 1 to socket convertor??? | Tom's Hardware Forum Slot 1 to socket convertor??? Thread starter bighead111.

Your cost to obtain the Socket 8 to Slot 1 adapter (if it even works reliably at clock speeds >200MHz), plus the additional incremental cost of the Pentium II Overdrive Processor over the cost of the same speed regular Pentium II, exceeds the cost of a new Slot 1 motherboard. You have already "lost your investment" in the Socket 8 motherboards.

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Intel 440FX was the first Slot 1 chipset. It was originally designed for Pentium Pro and there are boards with both Socket 8 and Slot 1. 440FX lacks AGP, SDRAM support, and its IDE interface is limited to 16MB/s. 440LX. 440LX introduced AGP, SDRAM support, and UDMA33. It still has a 66MHz FSB limit. Socket 8 to Slot 1 Adapter Card Availability I would like to get some Socket 8 to Slot 1 adapter cards. I currently have some Socket 8 motherboard systems. I have been thinking about investing in the Pentium II Overdrive upgrade path but since Socket 8 seems to be a dead platform I would like to get some of these adapters before I invest in this upgrade path so I can upgrade the motherboard later without losing my investment. Slot 1 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia Slot 1 – gniazdo procesora stworzone przez firmę Intel przeznaczone dla procesorów Intel Pentium II oraz Intel Pentium III i Intel Celeron.Gniazdo to ma 242 styki kontaktowe. Ma architekturę podobną do gniazda Socket 370, wskutek czego za pomocą specjalnych przejściówek procesory przeznaczone dla Socket 370 można umieścić w gnieździe Slot 1. VOGONS • View topic - Socket 8 --> Slot 1 Slotket Adapters Socket 8 --> Slot 1 Slotket Adapters. Discussion about old PC hardware. ... I have a 440FX board with both Slot 1 and Socket 8. There were a few like that. This one is a Supermicro P6SKE and it is a gigantic board because it has spots for all sorts of extras like Ultra SCSI (on P6SKS).

What is Socket 8?

I have a 440FX board with both Slot 1 and Socket 8. There were a few like that. This one is a Supermicro P6SKE and it is a gigantic board because it has spots for all ... Socket 8 - Wikipedia The Socket 8 CPU socket was used exclusively with the Intel Pentium Pro and Pentium II Overdrive computer processors.Intel discontinued Socket 8 in favor of Slot 1 with the introduction of the Pentium II and Slot 2 with the release of the Pentium II Xeon in 1999. 26/28/30/34 Slot Socket Rack Trays Holder Storage 1/4'' 3/8 ... It is labeled with SAE socket sizes for each slot. - It is labeled with socket sizes for each slot. - 1 x Socket Organizer. - Molded plastic tray with stubs for deep sockets. - This rack will hold a total of 26 sockets. What happened to the Slot to Socket 8 Slocket | [H]ard|Forum While I can appreciate wanting the excitement from building a vintage system I would question _why_ you'd want to do it this way. You're taking a socket 8 PII, which is natively slot 1, and converting it back into slot 1. Given how rare slot 1 to socket 8 adapters are you could probably purchase a 300A Celeron for less.

What's a "Slocket" - Slot 1 to Socket 370 Adapter - YouTube